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SWAMIH Investment Fund I has an investment committee (“IC”) that makes all the investment and the divestment decisions of the Fund. The IC comprises of a combination of SVL team members as well as independent members. The IC at all times has a minimum of 4 members and a maximum of 7 members. Investment proposals to be made on behalf of the Fund are referred to the IC for a final decision. Investment decisions of the IC are made unanimously. The members of the IC (except the CIO) may be changed, substituted or reconstituted by the Investment Manager.
The Investment Manager has established an advisory board (“Advisory Board”) comprising of investor representatives. The Government of India as a Contributor is entitled to up to two seats in the Advisory Board, which shall be available to one nominee of each of the (i) Department of Economic Affairs, and (ii) the Department of Financial Services, under the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. Other Contributors which have made a Capital Commitment in the Fund are entitled to one seat each on the Advisory Board.
We request you to send us your RTI application to this email id shraddha.vaidya@sbiventures.co.in along with a pay order of INR 10/- that needs to be sent to the address as stated below;
Ms. Shraddha Vaidya
Central Public Information Office
SWAMIH Investment Fund I
c/o SBI Ventures Limited
(Formerly known as SBICAP Ventures Limited)
A Wing, Marathon Futurex, 12th Floor,
N.M. Joshi Marg, Lower Parel (E),
Please issue the pay order in the following name: SWAMIH Investment Fund I
Once we receive the aforementioned pay order, we will respond to your queries within a period of 30 days of receipt of the same.
You may appeal from the response received from the CPIO within a period of 30 days.
You may provide the following to the Appellate Authority (“AA”) of SWAMIH Investment Fund I, Mr. Nikhil Kejriwal;
Appellate Authority
His email ID and correspondence address is as follows;
Mr. Nikhil Kejriwal
SBI Ventures Limited
(Formerly known as SBICAP Ventures Limited)
A wing, Marathon Futurex, 12th Floor,
N.M. Joshi Marg, Lower Parel (E),
Mumbai- 400013
You may write to the AA within a period of 30 days from date of response received from the CPIO.